The ICS knowledge base is a provider of information for GMDSS, NAVTEX, DSC and other useful learning materials or useful links. The knowledge base is also home to our popular NAVTEX Database which provides accurate and up to date information on currently operational NAVTEX Stations all over the world and has done for nearly a decade. Explore some of the popular links below to learn more.
Everything you need to know about GMDSS can be read here.
NAVTEX Station Database
The NAVTEX Station Database provides information on NAVTEX Stations and their locations all over the world.
NAVTEX Time Slots
NAVTEX Time Slots contains the broadcast times for NAVTEX stations in all 16 NAVAREA's.
Demo Video
The ICS Electronics Ltd Demo Video. To view this video you will need flash player installed on your computer.
Useful Links
Useful Maritime Links
Links for all things related to Maritime.
Standards Organisations
Links for standards organisations websites.
Weather Sites
Links to some useful weather sites.
Other Links
Links to some miscellaneous websites.