Subject Indicator Characters
The subject indicator character is used by the receiver to identify different classes of messages. It is also used to reject messages concerning certain optional subjects which are not required by the ship.
A = Navigational warnings1
B = Meteorological warnings
C = Ice reports
D = Search and rescue information, and pirate attack warnings1
E = Meteorological forecasts
F = Pilot service messages
G = DECCA messages
H = LORAN messages
I = OMEGA messages
J = SATNAV messages
K = Other electronic navaid messages2
L = Navigational warnings - additional to A3
V = Special service - allocation by NAVTEX panel
W = Special service - allocation by NAVTEX panel
X = Special service - allocation by NAVTEX panel
Y = Special service - allocation by NAVTEX pane
Z = No messages on hand
1 Cannot be rejected by the receiver.
2 Messages concerning radionavigation services.
3 Should not be rejected by the receiver (continuation of B2 subject group A).
Example of NAVTEX Message
If you would like to see a scanned image of output from the ICS NAV4 NAVTEX receiver please click here.