Leisure Spares

We offer a range of spares for the leisure range are available for purchase. The list below shows the available spares we sell. If you wish to make a purchase or have any questions regarding these items please contact us.

NAV6 Antenna Replacement System


ICS Product Number Product Description Downloads
ICS.916.08-3 NAV6 Standard Display Unit V3 The NAV6 Standard Display is available as a replacement in the event that your current display is damaged beyond repair. The Display will be running the latest version of firmware.
ICS.920.00-2 NAV6 Receiver V2 This product is no longer available use the ICS.920.01 (below) that is now available at the same price.
ICS.920.01-3 NAV6 eNAVTEX Receiver V3 The eNAVTEX Receiver module is available for purchase separately in the event that your current receiver is damaged beyond repair. Enables the addition of the eNAVTEX App and multiple display features.
ICS.6020.29 NAV6 Screw Covers (Black) Spare screw covers for the NAV6 Display.